Monday, November 6, 2017

Lord Farquaad

A traditional fairy tale usually start's with "Once upon a time... " and nearly all the time consists of a courageous, handsome prince with a quest to save a beautiful, stereotypical princess who is in some sort of predicament, generally being held captive to a hideous beast, a dragon or an ogre and ends with the phrase" ... and they lived happily ever after. " We are brought up with this view of fairy tales as all fairy tale stories we are read when we are young follow this basic layout. Shrek therefore must have come as a big surprise to everyone.

Sins of the Past

Watson ran back the way he came to find Lucy. Lucy stopped to catch her breath; she then heard the footsteps of the terrorists close behind her. She turned to the shelf next to her and started to climb it. She got halfway when the terrorists reached her; they didn't see her and continued to run. Lucy dropped silently down to the floor and crept after them. She aimed her pistol at them and fired, one of the terrorists fell dead, while the others span around Lucy fired, but her pistol clicked. It was empty. Shit she thought. The terrorists aimed at her and there were two loud gunshots and the terrorists fell to the floor, dead.